I have let more time go by without posting than I meant to. We have been fairly busy lately. DH had the day off today for Veteran’s Day so we did a very light school day. He (with my assistance ) put 3 new bathroom faucets in this morning. I made this little centerpiece for…
Slow water leak…..$50/month and growing New water line …..$695 Watching children watch the backhoe ………Priceless My 5 year old has a cute way about him. If he’s watching a video about a fire truck, he has to go get his fire truck. If we read a book about a train, then he has to…
Christianity and Liberalism
The following is a quote from the book Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen, copyright 1923. This section is from page 176 and it is a summary of the things that needed to happen to fix the trend toward liberalism in the church. In the fourth place – the most important thing of all-…
Where did that pencil go? Or you know you must be crazy when…
I sometimes tell people that I used to be smart. I guess that deep down I still consider myself fairly smart, but my opinion of myself is much less than what it once was. The Lord uses all sorts of things to humble us. I think that I am definitely losing brain cells with each child!…
One week until school starts!
This is my last week until we start school. I’m trying to finish my home improvement projects up because I rarely have time to work on them during the year. Today I made a window treatment for the second of my bedroom windows. The kids worked on stripping wallpaper in our half bath! I hope to…
Well, I finally did it!
I can’t believe I finally got around to starting a blog. I’ve been talking about it for months. I don’t have much time to write now, so this is serving as a test to see if I can figure out how this works. My 3 biggest fears about starting a blog are: 1.What am…