Does your family set aside time for a routine family devotions? What about a consistent time for everyone to spend personal quiet time reading their Bible and praying? We know it’s important and yet… There have been seasons where we have been really good at consistently having devotions together. And then there have been seasons…
Cleaning and Organizing
Last week I got a lot done on my Decluttering Challenge. That was partly because my big kids were at camp. I don’t know why, but I seemed to have extra time on my hands. Here’s a cute video of me talking to Andrew about David and Anna coming home. Coming Home Now that my…
What’s for Dinner?
I don’t know if this is true in every house, but I get asked at least 5 times a day, “What’s for dinner?” (Actually around here, we usually say supper…) I get really tired of answering that question. That’s because I often don’t know, People grumble when they hear the answer, and I don’t like…
Declutter challenge
My friend Crazy Mom at Ramblings from the Crazy House is having a 40 days to declutter challenge. I’ve decided to join in. Since I decided several days ago, I’m going to count the decluttering I’ve already done. Here is my list of 40 things make that 31 32 things to clean out with those already done,…
Cultivating a Servant’s heart
You don’t have to teach children to imagine. They don’t have to learn, because imaginative play is a part of normal child development. That doesn’t mean that you don’t need to cultivate it, especially as a child gets older. And some people do seem to be more imaginative than others. I’ve also found that small…
Pinterest Fireplace Makeover Project
Pinterest. It’s something that I both love and hate. I love it because there are such neat ideas on there. Yummy recipes, fun kid activities, decorating, crafts, lesson plans, and more. It’s amazing how many creative people there are. On the other hand, it can be a time sucker and addictive. Plus there are the…
It was tough, but it was good
Doug, one of my husband’s roommates in college, when he was asked how his day went would often respond, “It was tough, but it was good.” We used to chuckle at his response, but really there’s a lot of truth to be found in his attitude. I chose a word for this year: JOY I…
How Do We Know the Bible Is True? #review
Since my last post was the post where I admit I was wrong, maybe this one should be the post where I admit I am late! I hope I’m not the only one that has let something go far too long. I’m really good with deadlines. But when there isn’t an exact deadline, then sometimes…
One Word
If you read blogs, I’m sure you’ve seen them. The posts where people choose one word to represent their yearly theme. I’ve always thought those were a neat idea, but the perfectionist in me has trouble picking just one word. How can one word stand for everything I want to do? As I think back…
Homeschool Mother’s Journal
I know you should never start a blog post with a comment on how long it’s been since you’ve blogged. So I won’t. But life has been busy and while ideas for blog posts have popped into my head, I’ve not found time to get them written. So today in an effort to get the…