By Kristen H.
End of the year
It’s the day after Memorial Day. I know from my Facebook page that school is out in some places. In our area, public school students have 2 more weeks of school. We do too. Having a baby December 29 really delayed our school year. (But I can’t think of a better reason to delay it…
Window Shopping
In last week’s issue of The Christian Home, I talked about I John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. I John 2:16 and its parallels to Genesis…
Why does decluttering make such a mess?
I decided to clean out the entertainment center. Yikes! What a mess! I reorganized all the CD’s and DVD’s into clear plastic containers. I used my label maker. That makes me happy. But now I’ve got piles of VHS tapes that I want to get rid of. In the living room floor. So I took…
Thoughts on Food
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. I John 2:16 Many years ago I heard a sermon that pointed out that the three things listed as being “in the…
Is it just me, or do things fall apart just when you’re patting yourself on the back for having everything together? I guess I’m not humble enough. This morning everything was going great! Baby boy slept until about 7:30. I was already up and showered! I had emptied the dishwasher and even decided to make…
31 Days to Clean HOMEmaker’s Challenge – Week 1
This week I started reading 31 Days to Clean and participating in the HOMEmaker’s Challenge working through it. I am really enjoying this book. If there was any doubt before, this book has confirmed something to me. I am more of a Martha than a Mary. At least my natural inclination is more that way.…
Life of John Knox
Who was John Knox? He was a leader (if not THE leader) of the Protestant Reformation in Scotland. That is about the extent of what I knew about him. I also had a sort of vague idea that most of the modern history books aren’t too kind to him. That was before I read the…
Easter Pictures
We had a nice day yesterday. After worship at church in the morning, we went to my in-laws home for a nice meal and an Easter egg hunt. My husband’s oldest sister and family were there too. Here are a couple of sort of decent pictures of us. It’s a rare picture with middle son…
Recycling Crayons
I admit it. I take after my grandmother. I have a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde complex. I hate clutter, but I hate to throw useful things away. Even if I know I won’t need them. Take broken crayons, for example. I’m not so mean that I make my kids use the crayons down…