This post is featured in At The Christian Home Volume 2. I have always liked baking. Especially yummy desserts. But I usually save those for special occasions. Bread is a bit healthier and is fun. I started making bread about 10 years ago with a bread machine. After I got my beautiful RED Kitchen Aid…
Getting it all done
Today is the day that I’m going to write a wonderfully encouraging post about how I get homeschool, housekeeping, and work all done with a not quite 3 week old baby in the house. Except, I haven’t got it figured out yet. (Strangely enough, the topic of this week’s Blog Cruise is Working and Homeschool.…
My Top 10 New Baby Things
1. Staying home 2. Help with chores 3. Fuzzy blankets 4. Tiny toes 5.Toothless grins 6. Little fists 7. Sibling love 8. Family time 9. Baby snuggles 10. The reminder of what is truly important Read more Top Ten Tuesday posts at oh Amanda. By Kristen H.
So much to say, so little time
I keep thinking of things that I want to blog about. Usually at 2 am. I met my Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks goal. (I read exactly 52!) I feel odd not having a New Year’s Goal post, but I haven’t made any specific goals. I can make one later of course, but that…
Look Who’s Here!
OK, so Santa didn’t really bring our newest blessing. If he had, maybe I wouldn’t have looked so tired! But this “little” one weighed 8lbs 12 oz and was born on 12/29 at 2:22 pm. By Kristen H.
Christmas Fun
Well, the baby decided that I shouldn’t have to spend Christmas in the hospital. On Christmas Eve we went to a drop-in at an old friend of my husband’s. Then after an afternoon church service, we had my in-laws over for snacks. Here is the whole family. We have trouble getting everyone to smile at…
My Bags are Packed…
The gifts are all under the tree. We’ve celebrated Christmas with my parents, sister and her family. The laundry is done. The house is clean (relatively). I’ve done some baking. And now I’m just waiting…. By Kristen H.
Our Way Home by Randy and Christal Simpkins
A few weeks ago, I posted my review of The Way Home, a DVD about the day 2 year-old Joe Simpkins got lost. Very shortly afterwards, I was contacted by Randy Simpkins, the real-life father of Joe Simpkins. He liked my review, but offered me the opportunity to read the book to help clear up…
What I’ve been doing instead of blogging
1. Enjoying the winter’s first snow (from inside!) 2. Getting crafty with my daughter. She made one of these Snowy Balloon Ornaments and we spent Saturday afternoon making these Holiday Card Ornaments. 3. Reading (I’m up to 48 books completed this year!) I’ve got a review I need to write too. 4. Making these yummy…
Gratitude Challenge – Days 27,28,29, and 30
I can’t believe that it’s the last day of November! I know it’s cliche, but this year has really flown by. I have to admit that I am feeling rather grumpy this morning, so I need this gratitude challenge more than ever! Day 27 – I have been spending a lot of my time preparing…