Yesterday my family went to Grayson Highlands State Park in southwestern Virginia. It is one of our favorite places to hike because a great deal of the hike is along a treeless ridge, making for spectacular views. Yesterday we decided to try to hike along the Appalachian Trail to Mt. Rogers. That was an optimistic goal, since it is a 4 mile hike each way.
Here we are starting off. This is my typical position as we hike. Bringing up the rear.
The kids still have lots of energy and use it to climb every rock.
Did I mention the other reason we like Grayson Highlands so much?
Wild ponies!
Very friendly wild ponies.
Here’s the view from the first “plateau”.
Some of what’s coming up.
Much of the trail looked like this.
Still climbing rocks and there was no shortage!
This is the rockiest trail we have ever hiked.
Another high point.
A little perspective.
Sometimes the trail was one big rock.
Rewarded with more ponies. I’m no expert, but I think this one’s pregnant!
Our last climbing rock. It took us 90 minutes and we were ready to turn around.
An especially bad picture of me, just to prove I was really there.
That’s Mt. Rogers, our original destination. We’ll have to save that for another time. At this point we’re pooped!
Little one started fussing on the way down. She wanted out, but there was NO way she could climb down all those rocks. We finally got her out of the backpack when we got back to the flat section.
She’s not near as tired as the rest of us.
Here she is this morning. The person who applied her sunscreen will remain nameless!

By Kristen H.
We had a sunscreen moment like that about a week ago. A certain parent (who shall remain nameless) who has been giving certain children swimming lessons lately claims she really did put sunscreen just under the child's eyes, yet said eight year old wound up with red spots directly across the bridge of her nose and across the top of both cheeks. Said child was witnessed to have sunscreen stuck to her fingertips within seconds of said sunscreen application. In child's defense, though, she has the longest eyelashes of anyone ever in our acquaintance and thought the sunscreen was too close to her eyes.
Ooops on the sunscreen. Looks like a fun adventure!
Great pics! Love the horses!
Poor thing… sorry she got all "splotchedy." 🙁 🙂
What a BEAUTIFUL hike ! I love how it looks a lot like UK in some ways. Is this the same area that the book Christy was based on ? I cannot remember. I might have asked you this before but I cannot remember.
Blessing in Him<><
What a beautiful hike, and I LOVE that last picture! So cute!
First, I admire anyone who even attempts such a hike with small children. And the views are awesome! I did not know that there are wild ponies in the eastern part of America! Thank you for sharing this post with us.
Your post and photos are precious! I loved looking at the vistas with you…(-:
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Blessings, Mama Karen
Try fresh from the plant if you have it. Bottled also helps some, if you don't have a plant. I also have some Melaleuca gel which works well but is smellier than aloe vera. Hope it is better soon!
Hi Kristen, I am glad to be back at HSR and promise to not move again. 🙂
Looks like quite an adventure. Your pictures are wonderful. You certainly have a beautiful, happy-looking family!
Looks so fun! I love how long the manes look are on the wild pony and yes she looks pregnant. 🙂
I want to see the ponies! Wow! What a beautiful place.
Thanks for sharing this at Family friday! My sister, Cari, has horses that are full-grown and the size of those ponies. The kids love them. What great photos!
Danelle Ice /
Hopefully, you got some aloe vera on them and you're all feeling better. Here is the link to discover whether AHG has a Troop in your area: