The Cerebellum Corporation is a leading producer and distributor of educational programming. Their Light Speed Learning collection topics each consist of a fast-paced video production and a digital workbook. I received the U.S. Gov and Politics AP Exam Prep video to review.
The DVD is 73 minutes long and consists of? 3 main sections. The first section, Taking the Test, describes the AP test, providing details like how many questions are on the test and what topics are covered. The actors share test taking strategies including whether guessing on the multiple choice questions is good idea. The second section discusses the free response section of the AP test. There is information provided about what sorts of topics you might be required to write on and strategies for the free response portion. The final chapter of the video is called 30 in 30. During this portion of the video, 30 important U.S. government and politics topics are reviewed for the student in 30 minutes.
In addition to the DVD portion of the program, there is a digital workbook. Included on this CD is a several page summary of the more important information covered in AP US Government. Following this summary there are several different tests that include multiple choice, true/false, matching, and free response questions. Also included are solutions to these tests.
I have never taken an AP exam, nor have I taken a course in U.S. Government and Politics so I cannot make any claims about how adequate this review is. It seems to be a good overview provided in a short time. It would not be adequate preparation for an AP exam without previously covering the material in a class. That is of course, not the intent of the program. I liked the fast pace of the video. No one person talks for very long at a time, and the screen rapidly changes between a person speaking and a related graphic. I think it would be able to hold a student’s interest enough to provide effective review. The practice quizzes also look like they cover a wide range of topics to help review the student. The program is only $14.98 (and is currently on sale for $11.24) at the Cerebellum Corporation website. That seems very reasonable for the amount of content.
Disclosure: This product was provided to our family for free as members of the 2009-2010 Old Schoolhouse Magazine Homeschool Crew. Reviews and opinions expressed in this blog are our own.

By Kristen H.