It’s hard to say it without sounding cliche, but time really does fly. Even more so the older that I get.
As I reflect upon another year, I hope that I have grown. I know that I have, but it’s sometimes hard to see in the midst of the day to day trials. I still worry. I still lose my temper. I still complain. But I have a hope. I know that God is not finished with me. I know that Christ is my righteousness. Thankfully, I don’t have to rely on my own!
I looked back over my blog posts for the last year, and I chose 1 per month to share. I did not include any reviews, so there were some months that I left out.
Hmm. I may need a do-over.
It was tough, but it was good.
I might see a theme developing.
B is for Books and C is for Capital.
We had a nice, but freezing trip to DC for spring break. Ironically as I write this on the first day of winter, my children are outside playing in short sleeves.
This is perhaps my favorite post of the year. Not because of the post itself, but I am so happy to see my improved fireplace everyday.
Here are my plans for my middle son’s 5th grade year.
We’re not exactly meeting our goals. Not even close. Sigh.
Here are our 10th grade plans.
Those are going a bit better.
Here’s my Defense of Busyness.
I’m not sure what my excuse is now that cross country is over.
If you’re feeling Blah, you can check out my Blah Blog Busting Post Ideas.
I have unfortunately not implemented these as much as I’d like.
Finally, there’s a little tutorial for December – Making Catalog Christmas Trees.
More 2013 end of year posts.
2013 – a messy but blessed year by April E. @ ElCloud Homeschool: Busy Minds, Busy Hands, Busy Feet
2013: A Look Back by Leah @ As We Walk Along the Road
Five Revelations From 2013 by Clara @ A Slice Of Homeschool Pie
2013- A Reflection on our Year by Jennifer @ Conversaving
Where Did 2013 Go? by Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory
Embracing the Bright, Shining Moments and Growing in Our Struggles by Susan @ Homeschooling Hearts & Minds
Saying Goodbye to 2013 by Tess @ Circling Through This Life
I’m the Mom of three teen boys, and other highlights of 2013 by Debra @ Footprints in the Butter
Looking Back Over 2013 Adventures In Homesteading & Homeschooling by Kim @Homestead Acres
2013 ~ The Good, The Bad, And The Beautiful by Audra Silva @ Simply Audra Marie
Real Moments of 2013 by Cristi @ Through the Calm and Through the Storm
It’s a Beautiful Life–2013 Edition by April B. @ Coffee, Cobwebs, and Curriculum

By Kristen H.
Oh I had to smile when I saw the photo of the books! I have the same “issue” err love of books. 🙂 We’ve been renovating and having to empty and move bookshelves as well.
Sometimes reality outshines our best made plans. At least, that’s what I tell myself whenever my homeschool plans don’t come off, lol.
Have a Happy New Year!
Isn’t always much easier to have goals then it is to actually reach those goals? LOL!
Happy New Year and may you reach closer to your goals. 🙂