I love home school curriculum. I love to research it on-line and read reviews. I enjoy the process of finding the curriculum that is right for each child. I’ve been a strong supporter of combining children to teach the subjects like history and science together. And that worked pretty well when my older 2 children…
Homeschool Methods
Today is the kick-off for the Back to Homeschool Blog Hop. Today’s topic is Homeschool Methods. This is our 10th year of “officially” homeschooling. By that, I mean my oldest started kindergarten 9 years ago. But we had made a decision to homeschool well before that. Always wanting to be prepared, I started researching homeschool…
Math Essentials No-Nonsense Algebra and Mastering Essential Math Skills Geometry Review
This spring I started searching for an algebra text for Anna. She’s starting 7th grade and is ready for algebra. David is very happy with his math program, but it’s a bit unconventional. It does not appeal to Anna at all! (I used to think I could buy the same curriculum for all my kids!…
HearBuilder Auditory Memory Software Program
Do you know a child who has trouble following directions? Or one who can’t remember things he hears? I do! William, my 10 year old, has many learning difficulties. One of them seems to be related to auditory processing. (I do not have an official diagnosis of auditory processing disorder, but he is definitely weak…
TimeMaps Review
There are many different ways to approach the study of history. The chronological approach has been very popular in recent years. Others recommend a unit study method focusing on one particular culture or area. One of the things that I’ve found especially interesting to think about when studying modern history is what has happened to…
State Geography Project
This is the post where you discover what true geeks we are. Ten years ago my husband had an idea. He thought we should visit all the counties in our state, North Carolina. But he didn’t want to just visit all the counties, but the county seats. As we pondered the idea, we decided…
Professor B Math Review
As a member of the Schoolhouse Review Crew, I get to test a lot of products. I love trying out a wide variety of resources in my homeschool, many of which I am unfamiliar with before receiving to review. Professor B Math is one of those. Professor B is an on-line math curriculum. I’ve reviewed…
Not a Review!
I have gotten out of the habit of blogging. I didn’t mean to, but life got really busy with SchoolhouseTeachers.com, homeschooling, and just maintaining a house with 7 people. I have been spending so much time on the computer for SchoolhouseTeachers.com, that I haven’t had much time to blog. And when I do have a little…
Creation Illustrated Review
There are some days when I’m really discouraged about our homeschool. I feel like we’ve not accomplished any of the goals we set for our family. On other days I know that I’ve allowed doubt to creep in. I’ve allowed myself to listen to Satan’s lies. But on those days when I feel like I’ve…
enVisionMath Review
I always loved school. I love the look, feel, and even the smell of a brand new textbook. I was transported back to my own public school days when I received the 3rd grade enVisionMath textbook from Pearson Learning. You know the stamp in the front of a textbook that has a place to write…