The Happy Housewife challenged people to post their real family pictures. We had a crazy time trying to get a family shot in front of the tree this year. I love the totem pole effect in this one. I want Mommy to hold me! Oops, Dad forgot to set the timer! What is going on…
Maestro Classics
Maestro Classics – The award-winning new classical music CD series for children and families combines classic stories with great symphony orchestra music. As a member of the Homeschool Crew, I received the Tortoise and the Hare CD to review. The compact disc is 54 minutes long and consists of the telling of the story with…
What is Mathletics? Mathletics is the world’s most used math website. It provides on-line math instruction for elementary and middle school students. It is produced by the team behind World Math Day and provides the unique feature of allowing students to compete with other students around the world both in overall points and 1 minute…
Do you have a song in your heart?
I heard a sermon many years ago where the preacher posed the question, "Do you have a song in your heart?" I don’t remember much else about the message. But I do remember the repeated question about having a song in your heart. The LORD [is] my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in…
Called to Worship by Vernon M. Whaley
Called to Worship examines what the Bible says about worship. Dr. Vernon Whaley takes the reader on a tour of the scriptures with respect to our worship of God. What can we learn about worship in Genesis, the Psalms, and the Prophetic Books? How about the Gospels and the Epistles? Whaley offers answers to these…
The Fabulous 50 (or 23 in my case)
I’ve seen this neat map on several of my friends’ blogs, and since I can’t stand to be left out, I decided to make one too. visited 23 states (46%) Create your own visited map of The United States Anyone care to hazard a guess which 2 states I have lived in? And kind of…
Favorite Christmas Traditions
Tradition. There’s something wonderfully comfortable about traditions. I think that’s one of the things that makes Christmas such a special family time. We have purposed in our family to make Christ the center of our Christmas celebrations. From the time we had our first child, we knew that we wanted to make sure that he…
Favorite Christmas Traditions
Tradition. There’s something wonderfully comfortable about traditions. I think that’s one of the things that makes Christmas such a special family time. We have purposed in our family to make Christ the center of our Christmas celebrations. From the time we had our first child, we knew that we wanted to make sure that he…
Picking out a Tree
A hayride with hot cocoa. Singing Christmas carols. Finding the PERFECT tree. Together. As one big happy family. Sounds beautiful doesn’t it? Wait, I should make it a sleigh ride through the snow and why not chop our own tree down? Let’s face it. This is not reality for most people. Our reality for getting…
Not Me Monday
Last week some of my Homeschool Crew friends wrote their first Not Me Monday posts. I did NOT think that I could never do that, because I never have anything that funny happen to me. I was quickly rewarded with some material after that. Last Monday, I did NOT type up a beautiful list for…