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A hayride with hot cocoa.

Singing Christmas carols.

Finding the PERFECT tree.


As one big happy family.

Sounds beautiful doesn’t it? Wait, I should make it a sleigh ride through the snow and why not chop our own tree down?

Let’s face it. This is not reality for most people. Our reality for getting a tree was loading up the kids in the car, driving down to the tree lot and walking through the trees, trying to find one without too many holes and not losing a kid in the process. Plus it’s usually cold. And dark. It’s really hard to tell what a tree looks like. I always have a hard time making up my mind. Often there are tensions between my husband and me while we’re trying to decide. It’s certainly not the thing that holiday memories are made of. (Or not good ones anyway.)

A few years ago, when my 3 year old was just about 6 weeks old, my husband had a BRILLIANT idea. He decided to stop on his way home from work and buy a tree. At first I was a little nervous. But then really, how hard is it to pick out a tree? So, I agreed. And he picked out the nicest tree we’d ever had. So I let him do it the next year. And the next. It’s our new family tradition. Really, the kids are no less excited seeing Daddy drive home with a tree than if they got it pick it out. It definitely Works for Me!

Visit We are THAT Family to read more Works for Me Wednesday tips.


By Kristen H.
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5 thoughts on “Picking out a Tree”

  1. I let my husband pick out our tree this year too (even though we were together.) It is not my favorite tree…and it does have lots of holes…but I've realized it's not the end of the world. Christmas will still go on even if we can see our tree's trunk. Peace is more important.

  2. Great idea! And the tree looks really nice. I'm guessing your kids will always have wonderful memories of the moment each year when Dad appeared with The Tree.

  3. You know, I think you have hit upon a great way to solve this problem! I'll bet the children are no less excited, and if you serve them hot cocoa after the tree is set up anyway, they'll still have all the fun without the frostbite and the one hiding behind the tree! 🙂

  4. We gave up the cut your own many years ago for similar reasons. Lowe's lot works well and the kids are just as happy! Whatever works!

    Pretty tree, like your tree skirt too, did you make it?


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