I found a new meme called To-do Tuesday sponsored by Crazy Adventures in Parenting. (The meme is not new, just new to me.) I’m going to re-post my summer goal list that I posted last Friday along with (a very few) updates. Prepare for children’s consignment sale. Do ironing Catch up on regular laundry Clean…
Favorite Photo
MckLinky Blog Hop Theme Favorite Photo. I don’t think I can pick an absolute favorite photo, but this is one of my favorites. These are my children last fall in our backyard. By Kristen H.
Next Year’s Curriculum
One of my eleven stated goals in my previous post was to work on school planning. I’ve already picked out curriculum, so I just need to look through everything, determine a reasonable pace, and decide how often to teach each subject. Then I could start scheduling every assignment. But I don’t like to schedule too…
Struggling with a Lack of Focus
I don’t know what my problem is lately, but I have been struggling with being unable to focus on completing tasks. I have about a million balls up in the air and I am just juggling them. I think part of the problem has been my adjusting to the distraction of my new laptop. I…
My Favorite Geography Resource
I’m going to be honest. Geography has not been a subject that I’ve done a good job of working into our schedule. Every year I have plans to add more geography study to our days, and every year I start off strong and then let our geography studies fizzle out. My husband is a…
My Favorite Geography Resource
I’m going to be honest. Geography has not been a subject that I’ve done a good job of working into our schedule. Every year I have plans to add more geography study to our days, and every year I start off strong and then let our geography studies fizzle out. My husband is a…
A Gardener I Am Not
I love flowers. I really like the idea of gardening in theory. But I am so not a gardener. I really..don’t…do..heat….or sun….or bending and kneeling. But, when things get so bad I fear that the neighbors may hold a meeting to force us to clean up the flower beds, I take action! (Just so you…
Teaching Multiple Ages – Part 3
For the last two weeks, I’ve been discussing different aspects of teaching multiple ages of children. In part 1, I mentioned choosing curriculum that would assist you in teaching multiple levels by utilizing a combination of curricula that combined children and worked for independent learning. Last week, in part 2, I provided some basic philosophies…
Photo Published
Yesterday morning while I was getting ready for church, my husband came running into the room with the newspaper. Our local paper had asked for amateur photos taken in the Smokies, so I decided to send in a few. They actually printed one of mine! (And they only printed 6.)Though not a major paper by…
Family Hike
Yesterday my family went to Grayson Highlands State Park in southwestern Virginia. It is one of our favorite places to hike because a great deal of the hike is along a treeless ridge, making for spectacular views. Yesterday we decided to try to hike along the Appalachian Trail to Mt. Rogers. That was an optimistic…