Wesley Movie

Tomorrow is my birthday. I mention it for a couple of reasons. First, I’m not planning on celebrating any more birthdays after this one. Second, last night I actually got to go out on a date. This is unfortunately not a frequent occurrence in our house. After a nice dinner and a little bit of…

I’ve got a plan!

I’ve been feeling kind of blah this year. I’ve tried not to complain here too much for a couple of reasons. First, I strive to not complain in general (though fail miserably) and second, who wants to read a bunch of whiny “I’m depressed” posts. This school year has been tough. We aren’t accomplishing everything…


I participated in this challenge last year and found the extra encouragement to meditate on thankfulness a blessing. So, even though I’m starting late, I’m going to participate this year too. God’s grace and mercy extended to me Christ’s atoning blood The sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit God’s sovereignty My husband My children My…

Running Behind

I can’t believe it’s already November. I feel like I have never quite gotten into the swing of things this school year. My plan of "ramping up" to add all of our subjects hasn’t exactly worked. We didn’t get enough momentum to make it to the top of the ramp and apparently slid right back…

Sore Throat Tip

You know that feeling like you’re just starting to get a sore throat? You’re not certain that you’re getting sick, but it seems really pretty likely. I found something several years ago that usually heals my throat when I do it early enough. I have to warn you though. It tastes pretty gross. I gargle…