I’m working on getting all my kids’ outgrown fall and winter clothes ready to sell. I have been selling and shopping at this specific sale for 8 years now. (It’s called Weeruns and the sale owner is selling franchises if you’re looking for a home business.) There are so many things I appreciate about participating…
Favorite Photo
MckLinky Blog Hop Theme Favorite Photo. I don’t think I can pick an absolute favorite photo, but this is one of my favorites. These are my children last fall in our backyard. By Kristen H.
Struggling with a Lack of Focus
I don’t know what my problem is lately, but I have been struggling with being unable to focus on completing tasks. I have about a million balls up in the air and I am just juggling them. I think part of the problem has been my adjusting to the distraction of my new laptop. I…
A Gardener I Am Not
I love flowers. I really like the idea of gardening in theory. But I am so not a gardener. I really..don’t…do..heat….or sun….or bending and kneeling. But, when things get so bad I fear that the neighbors may hold a meeting to force us to clean up the flower beds, I take action! (Just so you…
Photo Published
Yesterday morning while I was getting ready for church, my husband came running into the room with the newspaper. Our local paper had asked for amateur photos taken in the Smokies, so I decided to send in a few. They actually printed one of mine! (And they only printed 6.)Though not a major paper by…
Family Hike
Yesterday my family went to Grayson Highlands State Park in southwestern Virginia. It is one of our favorite places to hike because a great deal of the hike is along a treeless ridge, making for spectacular views. Yesterday we decided to try to hike along the Appalachian Trail to Mt. Rogers. That was an optimistic…
Never too early
My new motto — It’s never too early to train kids to do laundry! What are some other good chores for young children? By Kristen H.
Saving Money at CVS
I have been reading about all the money people can save by shopping at CVS, using the Extra Bucks that they receive for buying specific items. I had tried shopping there last year with what seemed like decent savings, but I wound up spending all my EB around Christmas on stuff that didn’t give me…
A Closer Walk
I think that it is common in the Christian walk to have periods of mountains and valleys. I’m not saying it is right, or even necessary, but a common experience among believers. I must confess that lately I have been in a valley. I have known that I was there, but have allowed my busyness…
If you forget to refill the birdfeeder
Then the animals have to get creative. Can you see it? Here’s a closer look. He and his big gray friend with the bushy tail are the reasons that I can’t seem to keep the bird feeder full. By Kristen H.