I think it is so interesting how God has given each of us a unique personality. I love seeing how different my children are, and boy are they different! My third child is a 7 year old boy. He goes full throttle all the time, and is such a ham. This kid has had us…
In Defense of Frugality
I went to Wal-mart this evening to do my monthly shopping and I had an interesting discussion with my checker. As she started scanning my groceries, she stopped and said, "You must have a big family!" I smiled and said, "There are six of us." Then I explained that a lot of this food is…
Making a Fabric Covered Magazine Holder
I don’t have a schoolroom. Most of the time I don’t really want one. I like for our school to be just another part of our home. Right now my children do their seatwork in the dining room and the adjoining kitchen. The only reason that I am somewhat envious of those who have schoolrooms…
I am typing this blog entry from my very own laptop! My very sweet, thoughtful, generous, funny,and handsome husband (just in case he reads this) gave me a laptop for our 16th wedding anniversary! I am still amazed. Right now my laptop and I are in the honeymoon phase. (Don’t you think that is a…
Housecleaning checklists
With all the cleaning out and reorganizing I’ve been doing lately, I’m thinking once again about how I can keep my house cleaner. I am still looking for a housecleaning schedule/plan that will work for me. We’re pretty good about keeping up with the basics, it’s just those extra things like dusting cobwebs out of…
Do your kids ever have fun with a toy in a different way than was intended? Although my daughter was initially very upset that her new Koosh ball popped, I think everyone’s having more fun with it now. By Kristen H.
Braided Rug
My daughter loves the American Girl books, and though I don’t consider them high quality literature, they have sparked her interest in history. The craft books that accompany the American Girl books are very well done. She was assigned a presentation in our book club to read a "How-to" book and explain how to make…
Spring Cleaning
I am joining in on the Spring Cleaning Party at SimpleMom.net. I don’t think I’ll post every day because it takes me almost as long to put the post together as it does to clean! I love having the extra accountability and encouragement that comes with doing a project like this with others. The assignment…
The doorbell rings at 8:30 in the morning. Who could that be? I run to the window and catch a glimpse of the UPS man jogging back to his truck. Oh goody, a package! But wait, I don’t remember ordering anything. Even better then, a SURPRISE package. It’s kind of light. No rattling sounds. Hmm,…
What a difference 5 days can make!
Here is my family on this past Monday, March 2. And now today. It was in the upper 70’s today. Yeah spring! By Kristen H.