My family spent a gorgeous afternoon at Grayson Highlands State Park in Virginia. We have been a few times before and I think it is one of the most beautiful places to hike. The views are spectacular, because after a fairly steep climb straight up, the rest of the hike is along a relatively treeless ridge…
Digital Scrapbooking
I confess, I have always been scared of scrapbooking. I was scared of the cost, the clutter, the mess, and the overwhelming variety of things to choose. I have a hard time making decisions and the scrapbook aisles in Michael’s make me hyperventhilate. So, when I heard of digital scrapbooking, I was a little more…
Home from Vacation
We’re home from our wonderful vacation to Atlantic Beach, NC. We had a fantastic time with fantastic weather. I don’t have time to post too much about it, but here are a few pictures of our trip. I noticed that there are no pictures of me except for one tiny one of me in the…
Summer Projects
I have been enjoying our break. I’ve done more organizing of my computer files. I’ve been working on read aloud ideas. I have done quite a bit of cleaning and am working on redecorating our living room. Yesterday I painted some picture frames that were green, black. My living room has now been stripped of…
I just found a link to a really cool quiz on motherstyles. I found the link at Little Homeschool on the Hill. The quiz is based on Meyers-Briggs type indictator test. I had to laugh because the description fit me so well. Here are my results. Your type is: istj —The “Responsibility” Mother “I have a…
Job or Jonah
Throughout the Bible there are instances of God’s children questioning him. I do believe in the sovereignty of God, but there are definitely times when I’ve thought, “Lord, what are you doing here? This would really not be my choice.” (I may not have thought it so nicely either.) A friend of mine has been through an almost…
My Little Guy Is 6!
Saturday was my younger son’s 6th birthday. He was so excited about it for the whole month of March because he could see his name written on the calendar. (His birthday was the 29th.) He wanted a truck cake, and I Iooked all over for ideas on how to make one, but at the urging of my husband…
Easter pictures
It has been an eventful several days for our family. Today we started back to school after 5 days off. My husband had surgery on his ankle on Thursday so I had my hands full over the weekend. He was able to get out and go to church and to his parents’ house on Easter. …
Losing Things
I’m sure you’ve heard the expression "He’d lose his head if it wasn’t attached." Well, that is so not me. I take pride in my organizational abilities. I like to arrange things. I have places to store most everything. But lately….. I don’t know what the problem is. Actually, I think I do know what…
Daughter’s 8th Birthday
My sweet older daughter turned 8 on Monday. I hate to sound cliche, but I really don’t know where the time has gone. Children grow up so fast. It seems like it was just yesterday and at the same time it seems like I’ve had my children forever. Here are some pictures from the family…