I’m a bit of a stickler about my Christmas tree. I insist on having a “real” tree every year. It’s certainly not the most frugal choice, but I just love the smell of the tree. I also love how every year the tree looks a little bit different. It’s kind of funny that even though…
Read Naturally Live Review #hsreviews
I’ve shared some about the difficulties my middle son (9years old) has had with reading, among other things. Because of his difficulties, I’ve done a fair amount of research on dyslexia. Since he displays many of the classic signs of dyslexia, I’ve been trying to implement strategies used in teaching reading to dyslexics. One important…
Excellence in Literature Review
As a classical educator (sort of), I value the study of classic literature. I want my children (and myself) to have an understanding of the themes and messages found in classic books. I have a problem though. I do not really “get” a lot of literature myself. While other homeschoolers quake at the thought of…
Educating the WholeHearted Child #hsreviews
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know that I enjoy reviewing homeschool curriculum. I love comparing and contrasting different resources. Most of all, I love finding products that really work for my children. In addition to curriculum, I’m also a bit obsessed with researching methods of home education. I don’t think that…
Learning Latin – Visual Latin Review
When you tell people that your children are learning Latin, you get a variety of responses. People who don’t homeschool tend to think it’s a bit odd and usually lump you into the category of parents who push their kids too much in academics. (OK, so they don’t say that exactly, but you can imagine…
Visual Latin #hsreviews
When you tell people that you’re teaching Latin to your children, you get a variety of responses. People who don’t homeschool tend to think it’s a bit odd and usually lump you into the category of parents who push their kids too much in academics. (OK, so they don’t say that exactly, but you can…
Tri-Cross Game: #hsreviews
My family loves games. We have acquired quite a large collection over the years. We used to have a family game night, but we have unfortunately let it disappear in the busyness of this season of our lives. We definitely need to try to add that back soon! Loving games as I do, I was…
Guidecraft Hideaway Country Kitchen
I have been writing product reviews for over 3 years, and I still get excited about just about every item I receive to review. It’s a little bit like Christmas waiting for a new package. But when I saw that some of the Homeschool Crew were going to receive a Guidecraft Hideaway Country Kitchen to…
Big IQ Kids #hsreview
Drill. It’s kind of a dirty word to students and some educators. It invokes images of tedious copying of spelling words or rote recitation of math facts. And in all honestly, it’s not something that has been a strong point in our homeschool up to now. I’ve got some “good” reasons. (Or maybe I should…
Time4Learning #hsreviews
Time4Learning is an on-line learning program for kids from preschool through 8th grade. It provides instruction in language arts, math, science, and social studies through engaging, interactive games. It can be used as the core curriculum for your homeschool, or as a fun supplement. The child can work independently on the lessons, freeing up the…